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After six months as CEO of Mediabrands Australia, Mark Coad talks about the Group’s approach to the pandemic, why pitching has become more humanised and what media agencies and marketers should be thinking about. This is the second of a two-part interview, where Mark explains why he thinks Mediabrands will emerge from 2020 in better

IPG Mediabrands released its Media Responsibility Audit of social media platforms as part of a larger effort to enhance brand safety and media responsibility in advertising. The social media platform audit, based on the media responsibility principles, looked at the impact of harmful content and evaluated the policies of different platforms and their enforcement. The audit

Matt Sallis was appointed CEO of Reprise in Australia, IPG Mediabrand’s digitally-led full-service performance agency, at the end of January. He was previously managing director, Reprise Media, Canada, and before that group account director at Catalyst Canada. However, he and his family found themselves in lockdown in Toronto due to COVID-19. He’s been leading the business